Monday, September 6, 2010


116. Four or five Russian children crying for 1+ hours. Administrators explaining procedures in Russian and I am pretending to understand. Telling the volunteer teachers the wrong schedule-surprise you've got more hours than you thought. Supervising/guessing what I am doing all day. Scary Russian man wanting to shoot me for accidentally smashing his pinki between carts because I was trying blend in by acting like an unfriendly Russian woman. Two teachers coming home distraught and in tears because they have hellians for students, getting punched in the face 3 or 4 times by a bully child makes me believe them. Screwing up the 'yeah! for your first day' german pancakes dinner for the teachers.
Just a normal first day of teaching in St. Pete. We'll persevere.

1 comment:

  1. That sounds like an absolutely fantastic day. Whitney you should know by now that you trying to blend in by being an unfriendly person would never work to your advantage. You are a friendly person. You can't change that. And when you do, you smash people's pinki's. That would've never happened if you had just been yourself.
