Thursday, August 19, 2010


98. Dear public transportation,
I love the thought that I am helping the environment by taking you (taking you-with or without my volition). I love that you let me listen to music and read my dad's stolen TIME magazine (yeah, sorry dad they've all gone missing). I love that you rock me to sleep when I have and have not gotten lots of rest (it never seems to matter). I love that you provide some of the best people watching (and the scariest). I love that you get me from Provo to Salt Lake on only $2.25 (should've bragged last month since it was only $2 then).
But CURSE you when you drop me off 5 blocks away from my destination in the pouring, cold and windy rain. Next time I take you, I won't waste my time listing reasons why I like you so because now I know what that leads to... I can't give anyone soggy wet hugs.


  1. Ha ha ha Oh Whitterpie, I wish you would have called me and I could have helped you out! If it helps, I would take a soggy hug from you any day.

  2. Oh Whitters. So sad. But you make me want to squeeze the heck out of you in that picture.
